Thursday 15 June 2017

River Rafting

PGL River Rafting!!

When Year 6 went to PGL they experience exciting activities, however when each group went River Rafting they would come back drenched and here is what happened
 So they would put life jackets on and bring a paddle and a rope, at first they world see barrels and planks of wood. Out of that equipment they will make rafts(2) once they have finished making rafts they would see if they float in the water. Whilst on the water they will play a few races to get the places. At the end (before the climb out) they will have to help each other to get off the raft without getting wet. If they succeeded they would play a game (if had any time) the choices of games were more races or fall back into water. All of the groups choose to fall back however some did not, they also videoed you falling in luckily they all had clothes they wanted to get wet   


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