Monday, 27 March 2017

Creative arts week

During creative arts week everyone in the school took part in weaving! There was also many other pieces of artwork made such as: creative writing, top trump cards, poems, paper animals, drama windows and more, (all of the art was inspired by a painting). On the 17th of March on Friday an assembly took place where every class was able to show what they had made.

Thursday, 23 March 2017

Red Nose Day

When is Red Nose Day?

Red Nose Day is this Friday coming ( 24th March ). All the money from the Red Noses goes to Comic Relief. On Friday you can wear a Red Nose which you have bought from home! You can buy Red Noses at school or in a shop.

What else is happening on Friday?

Also on Friday there is a bake sale, the money reaches between 20p-£1! It is also Non-School uniform day where you can wear your own clothes from home. You need to bring in £1.00 which will also got to Comic Relief!

Comic Relief
The bake sale will be selling: cakes, guessing the teddy's name and how many sweets/ marshmallows are in a jar. Comic Relief isn't about always about red nose day, it's about sharing your money to people who need it more than us!

I.B & K.E - 6JO

Thursday, 16 March 2017

Cross Country

On every Tuesday there is a cross country club where you can go and practise. If you like it, there arecouple races that you can go to if you are interested. Also, if you are really good and come in the top ten the you qualify for the county final - which is running around Rutland waters. Furthermore, it is a fun way to stay healthy.

Girls' football tournament

Last week the girls football team were chosen to go to a tournament. We played lots of little matches  against 6 or 7 schools. We won 2 lost 2 and drew 2, making us end up in second place.

d.f 6sp

Wednesday, 8 March 2017

On world book week we had teachers from other year groups come and read to us. In year six we had Miss Bennett, Mrs Tear, Miss Pearson , Miss Harrison, Mrs Allen and Mrs Hipkin. We had a lot of fun listening to the books because now we are in year six we don't really get to see picture books! Some of the books they read to us were The Hobbit, The fish that could wish, Billionaire boy and The day the crayons quit.
E.S and G.G 6SP

Monday, 6 March 2017

Pancake day!

On Tuesday the 28th of March it was pancake day {Shrove Tuesday} each class
took part and enjoyed pancake races you had to run to the end of the playground and
back but on the way you had the flip the pancake 3 times and on the way back as well.  You had a choice to flip it on the line or to flip it while running. The easiest was
obviously flipping it on the line. Some people were hot dinners and enjoyed the taste
of the pancakes (they were really nice)

Thursday, 2 March 2017

Fleckney sports ambassadors

Fleckney sports ambassadors

At Fleckney C of E primary school 4 year sixes Killen, Flin, Amy and Maisie {sports ambassadors} will be running a ping pong club after school on mondays. Also a club at lunch time on Wednesdays which includes all sports of your choice. We will start with yr2 than yr3 to yr4 but we will do one class each week. Sadly you can only take part in this activity if you go to Fleckney school because it is in school time.

By M K 6SP

Book Fair!

Wednesday 22nd of February we were able to access the brilliant book fair each class got to go have a look at the amazing books and the book fair will end on Friday after school they even sell pointers and stationery. Year 6 had the pleasure of helping out at the book fair .We also get to dress up on Thursday as are favourite characters for World Book Day.

J.M 6JO 

Year 5 and 6 after school football

On Wednesday students from year 5 and 6 play football from 3:15 until 4:15. The club is run by Mr Ager and he also has a few helpers called Jack and Dan and Josh. Girls are allowed to come but if you don't want to play with the boys then there is a girls club on  Tuesdays if you want to go. Also at the start we all do some passing and shooting just to get ourselves warmed up

By J.W 6JO

Year six get measured and weighed

Thursday 23.02.17
Today Year six got weighed and they also measured how tall we were. We went to the medical room at 9:30. Me and a few others had to wait in the queue for half an hour (30 minutes) it was pretty fun we got to miss maths. This was to compare are height and weight to when we were in Foundation.


Fleckney Book fair!

Fleckney book fair has now OPENED!!!!!

The book fair opens at:

  • Wednesday after school time

  • Thursday before school time

  • Friday after school time

Most of the books are £10 or under. The cheapest books are roughly £1.99 or £2.99. Your child may have been given from school a £1 book token. Its just a piece of paper which represents £1. Lets say your book you wanted to get was £5 and you had a one pound book token, you would only have to spend £4 of your own money and the book token to get your book.

There are 4 book stalls full of enjoyable books for all ages. There are also to-do books with some activities. There's picture books for young readers and books for older children in KS2+ as well. So don't forget to bring your money with you after school!!!

I.B Year 6

World Book Day!!


World Book Day runs across the world in celebration of what books we have. This will be happening on the 2nd of March Thursday! Every child who dresses up as their favourite book character must bring in £1.00. All of this money will go to a charity or people in need of help. World Book Day isn't only about dressing up and giving money in it's about  expressing different favourites even if nobody knows who you are on the day. So dress up and have fun across the globe and find out what every one is!! The main point of World Book Day is to have FUN!! Help people in need=FUN!!

Rampaging Roof!

On Thursday 23rd February 2017, the Sports shed on the field's roof viciously blew off  (because of the storm Doris) and hit the YR5 mobile also barely missed Mrs Fiddaman in its rampage.
Following this event, everyone in KS2 crowded round this frightful sight but were soon told to go inside for wet play


Red nose day

Red nose day is where people come to school wearing red noses.They do it to raise money for a charity. They pick a different charity every year. Also most of year sixes go round selling red noses at break time to give you a chance to buy one. They are £1 to buy and the year sixes go round with the red noses on the playground for a week.

M.W/Year 6