Thursday, 22 June 2017

What is Safer Travel?

ツ      Today the year sixes had a special Safety Talk about the how to keep yourself safe when on a vehicle. The lady told us the how to keep safe and what not to do when you are on a school bus. There has been many accidents over the years although year there has been no accidents yet. She told us the danger of buses and how to keep safe when; waiting for the bus, when you are on the bus and when getting of the bus. She also told us about bus passes and warnings for misbehaving. The bus pass that you get has a number on the front that is the bus that you have to go to school on. There are 4 main warnings: 
1. First time you misbehave you get 1 warning
2. Second time you misbehave you get a week or 2, banned from the bus
3. Third you get up to 2-a month of being banned from the bus
4. The forth one is up to a school year or for the rest of your school life!!!! ツ 

By: I.B and K.E 6JO


Thursday, 15 June 2017


In Archery at PGL we shot the arrows at the target. First we got taught how to play archery. Then Robin taught us how to play the holiday game. The holiday game is where you have five colours with celebrity names on. There were two other rows, one had transport and the other had holidays on it I got Justin Beiber on a cruise ship to Dubai. Regan got Mr O'Connell on a private jet to Greece.

High ropes

High ropes

In high ropes we had to were a harness and a helmet to keep us safe. We went to the top of the high ropes which was about 20 meters high. High ropes was really fun and there were different stages to complete and it went in a circle. When you were up there it looked a long way down. There was also some tyres to climb through or over, there was also a little platform to jump over to get to the next stage. There was also a bridge that looked really wobbly but it wasn't at all. There was also a rope to hold onto when you went across a rope below your feet. 

DS and JW 6JO

Rifle shooting

At PGL our favourite activity was rifle shooting. We enjoyed it because firing the gun was fun when you hit it. To hit the metal, you had to centre the middle bit between the two other little markers. We then had to hit targets on a piece of paper and sink battle ships behind the paper.


Sensory Trail

At PGL we did a thing called the sensory trial, this is where we put black out goggles on . Then we were given a rope and guided into the wood there were different obstacles to go across. We could not see anything an the teachers sprayed water at us. After that there was obstacles we had to dodge so we wouldn't fall over, and it was very weird how we couldn't see were we were going so it was a surprise.  Sometimes we tripped over roots and branches and landed on our knees and hurt them. Though at the end we got to see the trail that we went through and it was very short though when we were blindfolded it was very long.

By L.E and G.L


At PGL we did many activities including one of our favourites trapeze. What you had to do in Trapeze is climb a thin pole with some hand holds to grip on to. When reached the top there is a small square platform to pull yourself up. Once pulled up you have to stand on that, then in front of you there is a metal bar you have to catch by jumping to it. But of course there is someone
belaying you just in case you don't grab on to it! 
By: R.R and I.B~ 6JO


In abseiling we sailed down a 40foot wooden wall. We were harnessed to a rope that could hold the weight of a baby elephant. We also had to put a helmet on to protect our heads. Once we were at the top of the wall, we had to go through the bars to get to the edge of the wall. When we were ready to go down we leant over the high drop to make an L shape. Then we started to descend. When we were walking down the wall we had to let a black rope slip through our hands. when we got near the bottom they told us to do little jumps.


River Rafting

PGL River Rafting!!

When Year 6 went to PGL they experience exciting activities, however when each group went River Rafting they would come back drenched and here is what happened
 So they would put life jackets on and bring a paddle and a rope, at first they world see barrels and planks of wood. Out of that equipment they will make rafts(2) once they have finished making rafts they would see if they float in the water. Whilst on the water they will play a few races to get the places. At the end (before the climb out) they will have to help each other to get off the raft without getting wet. If they succeeded they would play a game (if had any time) the choices of games were more races or fall back into water. All of the groups choose to fall back however some did not, they also videoed you falling in luckily they all had clothes they wanted to get wet ã‚·  

High Ropes PGL

At PGL we did high ropes and personally it was my favourite  activity. First we put on a harness and a helmet, then we walked over to the abseiling wall also we climbed a spiralling stair case to the top of the wall. suddenly our instructor (Chelsea) strapped us to a railing and told us the safety rule. finally we walked across all the wobbly obstacles.
FS 6SP            

River Rafting at PGL

At PGL we had lots of fun but my favourite thing was river rafting. We had to build a boat out of plastic barrels, long thin logs and rope. Once we had made the boat we had to put it in the river and we all had to sit on it. We used paddles to make the boat move along the river and after we had a practice at steering the boat we brought the boat back the hill and (if we wanted to) we stood on the very edge of the lake and fell in backwards. The river was very cold and we were all wet and soggy but we had a wonderful time :)  


Rock climbing at PGL!

                                                    Rock climbing

At PGL we did rock climbing and was fun as we got to go high up and ring a bell. First we had to walk over and get our harnesses on and get strapped in. After that we had the safety talk of how we couldn't climb if were not harnessed to the wall or we can't belay without permission. Then we got taught how to belay and how you use it. Then we took it in turns to rock climb, belay and watch. Some people didn't do and some people did. I really enjoyed rock climbing and was fun learning how to do all of it!

                                         Bye C.C 6SP

PGL : Cluedo.

At PGL on Thursday our evening activity was cluedo.
we had to find out who had kidnapped the activity store manager. We had a piece of paper with a list of people who we had to go and question.And then we got given a map and then we went round. When we were going to the different people we were asked to do challenges such as :selling stuff to them catching balls and much more.Once we completed it we found out  if we had got the correct answer  and then we caught the guilty culprit.

DF 6SP.  
At PGL we did a sensory trail where we had goggles on but they were all blacked out we had to rely on the person in front of us and a rope next to us. It was quite hard because if we was walking a stairs that were like 1cm high you would think its 50cm.On the trail we had to go over, under and through objects.

Sunday, 11 June 2017

PGL 2017

Last week, 44 of our year 6 children had a brilliant week of outdoor adventure at PGL near Grantham. The staff took nearly 1500 photos and videos during the week. I have picked out the best 407 and made a 20 minute slideshow set to music. I have made sure that every child appears in it on at least 10 occasions! It has taken me about 6 hours to put it together so if you enjoy it, please let me know! The link is below and the site is password protected. Please ask Mr. O'Connell for the password. Once you enter the password, you can also download the slideshow so that you can keep a copy forever. Happy viewing!

PGL 2017

Mr. O'Connell

Thursday, 25 May 2017

De Monfort hall rehearsals

In year six we are rehearsing for a De Montfort hall concert.This year it is set on Roald Dahl . We are sing lots of songs from each of his films. Songs like: Golden Ticket, Crock of Gold, Candy man, Man on the Moon and things like that. I am really looking forward to it.

Hot and Cold science!

Last week 2 ladies came into our school and went in one of our Year 3 classrooms each,
they showed us some very interesting things in the first room there was this camera and projector and together if you put the camera on something or somebody it would show their body heat on the smart board it was so fun in the second room there was a cup of water and a big box of dry ice the women put some of it on the table which we could touch and look at the she put some into our cup of water and it litrally tured into a big cloud. After that there was a tray which had hot water in it the women put loads of dry ice in it and it made an even bigger cloud it was so cool!



In our class we did some Origami and everyone enjoyed it. It was really hard but everyone did it and they all looked really good. We all made jumping frogs, foxes and animals mouths. After all of the making we coloured them in multi colours. It was fun:)

By HS and GK 6JO

De Montfort Hall

 We (year6) are sing in De Montfort Hall . In year 6 we are looking forward to singing at DeMontfort Hall. The  people who had chosen to sing will be in the gigantic hall singing to thousands of viewers . This year the theme is celebrating Rhoal Dhal Be quick tickets running out!!!  

 by A.G.N YEAR6

Hot and cold science

Last week we had a hot and cold science work shop. Two ladies who talked all about hot and cold science. First we went to the cold room and we learnt about how dry ice is below minus seventy degrees c and how if we touched it that it will burn us. and then the lady put hot water on the dry ice and a kind off cloud appeared. Then we went next door and we did hot science and we saw infer red and ultra violet and she showed us on a special camera what they looked like because you cant see them with our eyes.

DRF 6sp

year 6 play rehearsals

Year six are doing there play rehearsals for their end of the year performance. Its always a really good play but this year is going to be the best! The play that we are doing is called Lights Camera Action. We are all happy with our parts and it's very funny so look forward to it.....

Last choir performance

On the 15th of May the children who go to choir sang to parents and grandparents. We sang a variety of songs some from assembly's and  Age UK. They were joyful songs. there were lots of people who came to watch including after school club. All of the choir I think had nerves and excitement.

Year 6 leavers performance


Before the year 6 head off to Kibworth High School, they perform a special assembly for the whole entire school. It it is called Lights, Camera, Action. The performance contains a lot of drama, comedy and acting. 

What are the songs called?               







Wednesday, 24 May 2017

Animation Nation Workshops

Animation Day
The year 6 children had a brilliant half-day animation workshop recently. They created storyboards, made plasticine models and took hundreds of photographs of their models to create fantastic stop-motion animations. These animations can be viewed and downloaded on vimeo at:

Year 6 Animations 2017

Monday, 22 May 2017

Year 6 Rainforest Catwalk

In the past weeks, the year six children have been making and designing rainforest themed t-shirts for their end of the year fashion show. On their t-shirts they have been trying to show the importance of the trees in the rainforests  to the endangered animals which live there. The children will be raising money for a chosen charity and a money bucket will be at the back of the hall when their 'Lights, Camera Action' play is performed.
Many thanks,
By R.R and I.B 6JO

Thursday, 4 May 2017

Cooking Club

On Wednesday every evening after school we go to cooking club. We make delicious food. Last week we made smoothies and a fruit salad. This week we made pizza. I put every thing on it. Then we took it home to cook and eat. The ladies who helps us is Mrs Martin and Miss Tudor. The kids that do it are Livvy and Harriet, Emily, Mia, Alex, Rio, and me Oliver.

The Rice Bowl

On Monday the 2nd May the Fleckney school football team lost 3-2 against Sketchly Hill primary school. We played at the Fleckney park. We got knocked out in the semi finals so we came 4th in the tournament. We all tried are best and Flynn and Jack scored our two goals so well done them.

Bake sale

Our bake sale is after school on the 24th of march on Friday we are selling chocolate cupcakes, crispy cakes, brownies and much much more. The prices range from 20-80p and you can: guess the name of the teddy and how many sweets in the jar. All your  money we raise goes to red nose day funds and cancer research. We hope you come to our bake sale.
Year 6


The SATS are:Maths; English; Grammer and Spelling tests.  We do the SATS in the hall on different tables.You have to do the test in complete silence or you would just get a score of 0. We are doing the SATS next week.
L.D 6sp


In art year six are doing our rainforest t-shirts. We draw them on paper and then trace them on t-shirts. We are drawing parrots, butterfly's and monkeys. We are doing this to let people know about saving  the rainforest and when we  have finished we are going to do a cat walk for the
whole school. 

p.l. 6SP         


In Lexia we are learning  about reading passages  and filling  in missing words in the passages to make to make sense in two minutes to finish. we do Lexia on Monday, Wednesday and Friday and we do it on our own. I am on level 12. 



The Football Rice Bowl Team.

The Fleckney Football Team were in a football tournament to represent our School, we played about 5 matches but then sadly lost in the semi-final. But we were not really sad because our goal for the rice bowl was to get through to the semi- final. We all tried our best throughout the tournament we wish we could of gone through to the final but we were too unlucky. We got through to the qualifiers, knockouts, quarter-finals and then the semi-final. We were all happy still that we made it this far and this means that we are one of the top four teams in the county.


Rainforest t-shirts

In art we have been making rainforest t-shirts for a cat walk that we are doing at the end of year. Children draw there favourite animal in the rainforest on a piece of paper, then they go over it in marker pen, then they put the large piece of paper under the t-shirts and copy it on.


Year 5 Japan Assembly

In the school assembly today we were being recorded singing Shine Jesus Shine. We were singing because year 5 are sending it to a school in Japan. When we finished singing that, the choir went to the front and sang  Firework to send to Japan as well. All of key stage 2 (year 3-6) were taking part in it. 

Monday, 24 April 2017

School council event at Great Glen

Last Monday the KS2 school council went to Great Glen to do a growth mindset afternoon. We first sat down and talked about how our minds are always growing and that we can find better ways to be positive than negative. Then we were told to make a penguin but we didn't have instructions so we started to give up. Next we made origami penguins. Then we choose a partner  and made a poster. Then we went home.


Monday, 27 March 2017

Creative arts week

During creative arts week everyone in the school took part in weaving! There was also many other pieces of artwork made such as: creative writing, top trump cards, poems, paper animals, drama windows and more, (all of the art was inspired by a painting). On the 17th of March on Friday an assembly took place where every class was able to show what they had made.

Thursday, 23 March 2017

Red Nose Day

When is Red Nose Day?

Red Nose Day is this Friday coming ( 24th March ). All the money from the Red Noses goes to Comic Relief. On Friday you can wear a Red Nose which you have bought from home! You can buy Red Noses at school or in a shop.

What else is happening on Friday?

Also on Friday there is a bake sale, the money reaches between 20p-£1! It is also Non-School uniform day where you can wear your own clothes from home. You need to bring in £1.00 which will also got to Comic Relief!

Comic Relief
The bake sale will be selling: cakes, guessing the teddy's name and how many sweets/ marshmallows are in a jar. Comic Relief isn't about always about red nose day, it's about sharing your money to people who need it more than us!

I.B & K.E - 6JO

Thursday, 16 March 2017

Cross Country

On every Tuesday there is a cross country club where you can go and practise. If you like it, there arecouple races that you can go to if you are interested. Also, if you are really good and come in the top ten the you qualify for the county final - which is running around Rutland waters. Furthermore, it is a fun way to stay healthy.

Girls' football tournament

Last week the girls football team were chosen to go to a tournament. We played lots of little matches  against 6 or 7 schools. We won 2 lost 2 and drew 2, making us end up in second place.

d.f 6sp

Wednesday, 8 March 2017

On world book week we had teachers from other year groups come and read to us. In year six we had Miss Bennett, Mrs Tear, Miss Pearson , Miss Harrison, Mrs Allen and Mrs Hipkin. We had a lot of fun listening to the books because now we are in year six we don't really get to see picture books! Some of the books they read to us were The Hobbit, The fish that could wish, Billionaire boy and The day the crayons quit.
E.S and G.G 6SP

Monday, 6 March 2017

Pancake day!

On Tuesday the 28th of March it was pancake day {Shrove Tuesday} each class
took part and enjoyed pancake races you had to run to the end of the playground and
back but on the way you had the flip the pancake 3 times and on the way back as well.  You had a choice to flip it on the line or to flip it while running. The easiest was
obviously flipping it on the line. Some people were hot dinners and enjoyed the taste
of the pancakes (they were really nice)

Thursday, 2 March 2017

Fleckney sports ambassadors

Fleckney sports ambassadors

At Fleckney C of E primary school 4 year sixes Killen, Flin, Amy and Maisie {sports ambassadors} will be running a ping pong club after school on mondays. Also a club at lunch time on Wednesdays which includes all sports of your choice. We will start with yr2 than yr3 to yr4 but we will do one class each week. Sadly you can only take part in this activity if you go to Fleckney school because it is in school time.

By M K 6SP

Book Fair!

Wednesday 22nd of February we were able to access the brilliant book fair each class got to go have a look at the amazing books and the book fair will end on Friday after school they even sell pointers and stationery. Year 6 had the pleasure of helping out at the book fair .We also get to dress up on Thursday as are favourite characters for World Book Day.

J.M 6JO 

Year 5 and 6 after school football

On Wednesday students from year 5 and 6 play football from 3:15 until 4:15. The club is run by Mr Ager and he also has a few helpers called Jack and Dan and Josh. Girls are allowed to come but if you don't want to play with the boys then there is a girls club on  Tuesdays if you want to go. Also at the start we all do some passing and shooting just to get ourselves warmed up

By J.W 6JO

Year six get measured and weighed

Thursday 23.02.17
Today Year six got weighed and they also measured how tall we were. We went to the medical room at 9:30. Me and a few others had to wait in the queue for half an hour (30 minutes) it was pretty fun we got to miss maths. This was to compare are height and weight to when we were in Foundation.


Fleckney Book fair!

Fleckney book fair has now OPENED!!!!!

The book fair opens at:

  • Wednesday after school time

  • Thursday before school time

  • Friday after school time

Most of the books are £10 or under. The cheapest books are roughly £1.99 or £2.99. Your child may have been given from school a £1 book token. Its just a piece of paper which represents £1. Lets say your book you wanted to get was £5 and you had a one pound book token, you would only have to spend £4 of your own money and the book token to get your book.

There are 4 book stalls full of enjoyable books for all ages. There are also to-do books with some activities. There's picture books for young readers and books for older children in KS2+ as well. So don't forget to bring your money with you after school!!!

I.B Year 6

World Book Day!!


World Book Day runs across the world in celebration of what books we have. This will be happening on the 2nd of March Thursday! Every child who dresses up as their favourite book character must bring in £1.00. All of this money will go to a charity or people in need of help. World Book Day isn't only about dressing up and giving money in it's about  expressing different favourites even if nobody knows who you are on the day. So dress up and have fun across the globe and find out what every one is!! The main point of World Book Day is to have FUN!! Help people in need=FUN!!

Rampaging Roof!

On Thursday 23rd February 2017, the Sports shed on the field's roof viciously blew off  (because of the storm Doris) and hit the YR5 mobile also barely missed Mrs Fiddaman in its rampage.
Following this event, everyone in KS2 crowded round this frightful sight but were soon told to go inside for wet play


Red nose day

Red nose day is where people come to school wearing red noses.They do it to raise money for a charity. They pick a different charity every year. Also most of year sixes go round selling red noses at break time to give you a chance to buy one. They are £1 to buy and the year sixes go round with the red noses on the playground for a week.

M.W/Year 6

Friday, 10 February 2017

School Council Fundraiser!!

Last Friday we had a school council fundraiser for cancer research. We had about 5 stalls running, varying from a book stall, beat the goal keeper, how many sweets in the jar, guess the name of the teddy and get the beanbag in the hoop. The school council are yet to count the money that we raised and give to give out the prizes out to the winners. If you got a beanbag in the hoop or beat the goal keeper you got a little sweetie.


Year 3 Candlemas Assembly

We discovered fascinating facts about Candlemas. Each year the assembly's change along with the facts.

* When this festival celebrated it is the second of February which is the feast of Candlemas. In pre-Christian times, it was the festival of light. This ancient festival marks the point in the winter half way between the winter solstice, the shortest day, and the spring equinox, as the strength of the life-giving sun increases as winter gives way to spring.

* As it is a hinge between winter and spring, people believed that Candlemas predicted the weather for the rest of the winter.

* Candlemas is also called the Feast of the Presentation of Jesus at the Temple; this was when Jesus and Mary went to the temple for the first time since he was born forty days before.

* In many churches it marks the end of Christmastide, when the very last decorations are taken down. In fact if you forget to get rid of your Christmas tree on the fifth of January you are supposed to keep it until today so that Christmas lasts forty nights.

There are many more traditions which relate to Candlemas. There is an old English rhyme.
If Candlemas day be fair and bright
Winter will have another flight;
If Candlemas Day be clouds and rain
Winter be gone and will not come again.

By O.N and K.E Year 6

Science Day

On the 26th of January a science day happened at Robert Smyth Academy. There were groups of about ten and there were different workshops to go to making larva lamps, ice cream also we made cars with a balloon. At lunch we played outside and in the morning we had two workshops and in the afternoon we had one and then we went home.


School council fundraiser

Last week school council decided to set up a fundraiser for Cancer Research .
The stalls we had were books, guess the teddy name, guess how many sweets on a jar, beanbags in a hoop and we had beat the goal keeper.  We enjoyed it so much . To have a go to win the prizes you had to either beat the goal keeper or get a beanbag in a hoop . Each child from each year brought in 50p and each stall was a silver coin 

D.f  6SP

British Value Week!

👮👮2 weeks ago we had British Values Week, for year 6 the police came in to talk about safety online and in and out of school. Then on Wednesday we had to destign a poster about you doing a campaign about why you would be great for the village president. Then on Friday we did posters about what is important to us in the UK eg The Queen, London bus and so on. We all had great fun on British Values Week!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

by G.L Y6

Friday, 3 February 2017

ST.Cuthberts art lesson

On the 19th of January, Zara and I went to St. Cuthberts Primary school in Great Glen. We designed a school logo with the other person from our school for our school letters and we made clay sculptures for our school. The other pupils came from Foxton, St. Cuthberts and some other schools in Leicestershire !

Leo Garner


Thursday, 26 January 2017

when the police came in!

On British values week the police came in to talk about the rule of law and the consequences if you disobey them. They also talked to us about E-safety and how not to give away any personal details away. We had to act out a crime scene somebody was the robber, a police officer, a 999 operator, a police dog and a helicopter.

M.W Year 6

Police Workshop

It was British values week starting on the 16th of January and finishing on the 21st on January. The different sections were internet safety and rule of law. When we were learning about rule of law children were picked to act out a role play and they pretended to witness a 999 phone call.   G.W Y6.

Cooking club

For 5 weeks 5 different children have been cooking delicious food E.G. Jessie ,Gina ,Holly , Jack and Harry. The first week we made fruit salad and the second week we made yummy pizza it was delicious. Cooking club is every Wednesday run by the fabulous Mrs Martin & Mrs Burgoine.

J.M Year6  

Police workshop!

🚓🚓🚓🚓👮👮👮👮On Tuesday the local police came in and was talking to us about safety and how to keep yourself secure online. They started with telling us what police do and what type of police officers you can get. Then they got volunteers to dress up as different roles in the police force. After break they told us about online safety and what you should and shouldn't do.

R.R + G.L Year 6

New touch typing club

 Touch Typing 
Last Thursday the new touch typing club started and we started to learn about our middle row of the keyboard. First we put a white sheet of paper on the keyboard and we typed asdf and a sad dad and a sad dad fad and we did ;lkj ;lkj ;lkj ;lkj ;lkj ;lkj ;lkj ;lkj ;lkj  

d.f 6sp

Monday, 23 January 2017

British Values Week

This week is British values week and in class we've been learning about democracy, rule of law, mutual respect and tolerance for others. We've made posters, had class discussions with assembly's as well, helping to teach us about our countries values. We've had loads of fun learning about British values and all look forward to finding out more about them.
                                                                                L.B 6SP